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Real-time Intel: Parent and Student Thinking

Our latest market research on the two largest sending countries to U.S. institutions. All about what drives students' education decisions.


Enrollment Management Made Smart

Intead and iSC will help you shorten the path to ROI with innovative, data-driven approaches for predictable student enrollment growth.


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The Intead team offers customizable communications services to suit any institution. All you need to do is choose which service is right for you. 

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Recruiting Intelligence Blog: Recent Posts

Yes, you should consider Tanzania, but here’s the thing…

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a 48-country region with 1.2 billion people has a gross tertiary education enrollment ratio of just 9.4%. The global average: 40%.

To put it another way, young Western European and North American students are 10 times...

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GMAC Conference 2024 Reflections

Our first time attending the GMAC Conference put on by the talented folks who produce and manage Graduate Management Education (GME) testing and so much more. With 600+ in attendance, the networking flows easily and the conference logistics seem...

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NAFSA 2024 Reflections

Conferences come and go each year. And each time we attend a conference or a session, we promise ourselves, “I just want one thing to take away that I can use when I get back to the office.” And as the conference slides into our rearview mirror,...

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